- Italy
- Tomatoes and Tomato Sauces
Story of a little girl
born in the fields of San Marzano
Italianavera tells a story of Campania region, narrates a territory and its products. Through the flavours and scents of the past, these fruits of the earth bring us back to the simplicity of ritual gestures derived from ancient traditions. They tell a story of Italy with all its facets, the mother who cooks and the grandmother who prepares the Sunday lunch. And Italianavera tells this story with style and humor. Because Italy is a culture, a way of life, it is the simplicity of a daily routine, made up of good things and imagination. Fantasy to eat. Italian, Italianavera.

Italianavera Tomatoes

San Marzano PDO Peeled Tomatoes from Agro Sarnese - Nocerino
The San Marzano is a very delicate tomato, with a thin skin, which keeps its flavor for a long time even with preservation. Cultivated in the extremely fertile territory of the Agro Sarnese-Nocerino in the province of Salerno, it is recognized by the DOP. Preserved in a soft San Marzano juice this natural tomato base is characterized by a more liquid consistency and a more acid taste. Ideal for creating an excellent spaghetti, even simple, exalting its taste.

Traditional Organic Peeled Tomatoes
Obtained and hand made from the selection of the best Italian biological long tomatoes with a Campania accent. Processed within a few hours of harvesting and immersed in a soft and delicate sauce that enriches your kitchen preparations with taste.

Traditional Peeled Tomatoes
These peeled tomatoes are made from a selection of the best Italian long tomatoes. Processed within hours of harvestand bathed in a soft, delicate sauce that enhances the taste of your preparations in the kitchen.

Chopped Tomatoes
The POP version of our tomato pulp is characterized by the size of the cube, made with peeled tomatoes that are cut into particularly thick cubes, which are then dipped in a thick tomato juice. Thanks to its texture and taste, it is ideal for the preparation of sauces where the tomato is necessary to have a full and round texture.

Datterino Tomatoes From Sele Area
The Datterino little tomato, cultivated in the Sele plain, in the province of Salerno, is sweet and rich in aroma. It's kept in its soft juice. It is characterized by the high degree of sugar, acquiring a rich and enveloping taste. Always perfect to give strength and character to each of your recipes.

Spunzillo Tomato
The Vulcano little tomato, pizzutello and in an easy version immersed in its juice, is a versatile ingredient that gives all the traditional recipes, that intense freshly picked tomato flavor. Great to be consumed even raw on pizzas and bruschette.

Corbarino Tomato
The Corbarino tomato takes its name from its cultivation area: the hills of Corbara, in the province of Salerno. They are intensely red coloured, oblong shaped and typically bittersweet, ideal for fish dishes or to season pizza in an unusual way. They are one of the most remarkable samples of the local rural tradition. Pomodori corbarini are the main ingredient of “vongole fujute” sauce. This recipe is able to provide the sauce with a seafood aroma, even if hen clams are not featured at all! That depends on the pomodorini di corbara, which absorb the salty and bitter taste of the sea.

Cherry Tomato
Small and round like a cherry, it is one of the most representative tomato varieties of good eating. Grown in a hilly area, in particular climatic conditions, it gives sweetness and character to your sauces. Immersed in its juice, it can be used to prepare numerous dishes typical of quality Italian cuisine.

Yellow Cherry Tomatoes from Vesuvius in Water and Salt
Small and pointed, sweet and with a unique color. One of the varieties of tomato from Campania that has recently become very popular among yellow tomato lovers. Growing up in a volcanic area, with unique particular climatic conditions, it has an unforgettable texture and flavor. Represented in a jar dipped in its serum, it is useful for any dish based on fish or meat, pasta, pizzas and bruschetta - versatile - adds fantasy to your dishes.

Yellow Peeled Tomatoes San Marzano Style
With an elongated shape and fleshy pulp, the yellow peeled tomato presents itself in the most delicious culinary preparations, giving fullness and sweetness to sauces and pizzas. Cultivated in the Sele plain, it is a tomato with little acidity and a natural sweetness. Immersed in its juice, it can be used to prepare numerous dishes typical of quality Italian cuisine, suitable even for the most demanding palates.

Tomato Puree
Traditional tomato puree from Campania is soft and tasty. It is suitable for seasoning your dishes and to prepare a sciuè sciuè sauce! It is an excellent starting point for velvety ragùs. Obtained exclusively from fresh Italian tomatoes selected from the field during ripening, and made a few hours after the harvest of fresh tomatoes.

Vesuviello - PDO Piennolo Cherry Tomatoes from Vesuvius Preserved in Water and Salt
Vesuviello is the emblem of the real Vesuvian and Neapolitan tradition, The real one, also told in the famous Neapolitan cribs. Cultivated on the Vesuvius National Park at 300 meters above sea level in a land rich in mineral salts, with its red heart shape, because according to a legend small drops of lava from Vesuvius, nourishing the vegetable, gave it color, life and strength. The Vesuviello tomato reminds you of Naples, its traditions and its unique flavors.

Pummarulella - Yellow Cherry Tomatoes from Vesuvius Preserved in Water and Salt
Characterized by a bright golden yellow colour, “pummarulella” belongs to the variety “giagiu”, traditionally cropped in Campania, in the shadow of Vesuvius. The Vesuvian lands are known for their lava soil, composed of minerals that give unique properties to the soil, so as to create unique products with an original flavor. Its color is reminiscent of Naples in a sunny summer day and its flavor reminds the traditional italian tastes. It is a tomato rich in vitamins and pectin, and allows to obtain sauces rich in natural juice with a soft and creamy flavor. It also allows you to make many Mediterranean dishes, including fish and seafood.

Pacchetelle - PDO Piennolo Cherry Tomatoes from Vesuvius cut in half lenghtwise
Pacchetelle is the ancient method, used by Vesuvian women, to conserve all the tomatoes collected between July and August all year round. The fruits were divided into bunches and put to dry, or cut in half long and pasteurized in a bain-marie. And Italianavera, like before, still keep them that way. Suitable for the preparation of sauces, first and second courses and aperitifs, bruschetta and pizzas

Corbarino & Corbarinello - Cherry Tomatoes from Monti Lattari
Corbarino - preserved in a unique juice, made with Corbarino cherry tomatoes and San Marzano tomatoes. Corbarinello - preserved in water. The cherry tomato from Monti Lattari (Campania region) in the shape of a light bulb. They are intensely red coloured, oblong shaped and typically bittersweet, being one of the most remarkable samples of the local rural tradition. They are especially suitable to prepare delicious dishes based on pomodori even in winter. Pomodori Corbarini are the main ingredient of “vongole fujute” (escaped hen clams) sauce. This recipe is able to provide the sauce with a seafood aroma, even if hen clams are not featured at all! That depends on the pomodorini di corbara, which absorb the salty and bitter taste of the sea.

Pomodorè - Fiascone tomato fillets from the Amalfi coast in tomato juice
Fiascone tomato is the ancestor of San Marzano, protagonist of dishes cooked on the Amalfi coast. It has a delicate and round taste and made in fillets exalts even more the unique sensory characteristics it possesses. Tomato fillets are a must in quality Italian cuisine and are used for numerous preparations. They give consistency and body to dishes, but they are also delicious for a simple snack like “bread and tomato” to which you just need to add a pinch of extra virgin olive oil.

Diana Attianese
Passionate about tomatoes, founder of Italianavera
Italianavera sauces are handmade and slow-cooked in small batches over a long period of time in Campania, Southern Italy by Owner Diana Attianese. The fresh, natural, whole Italian ingredients of the highest quality make the difference in her sauces’ visual appearance and flavour. Diana Attianese continues her family’s passion and tradition with San Marzano and more authentic local varietals of tomato combining fresh, pure flavours and gorgeous packaging. ItalianaVera has been featured in various Italian magazines for the quality of the sauces.